Are you looking for civil surgeon office recruitment notification? If you are looking then you have entered the right website. We regularly publish ongoing Civil Surgeon Office recruitment circulars on this site. So if you are an eligible and interested candidate to apply in the Civil Surgeon office recruitment circular then without delay you can apply soon as per the instructions given by the authorities within the specified time. Here you will get the latest job news all at once. All recruitment test time-tables are published. Civil Surgeon’s Office, has released a recruitment notification for the vacant posts. At Civil Surgeon’s office Interested candidates can apply online. Candidates from all districts have opportunity to apply for this job. Full notification details are given. Civil Surgeon’s Office, has released a recruitment notification for the vacant posts. At Civil Surgeon’s office Interested candidates can apply online. Candidates from all districts have opportunity to apply for this job. Full notification details are given.
Statistics Assistant Job Circular 2024
If the permanent address mentioned in the application form by the candidate for the office of Statistics Assistant is different from the permanent address mentioned in any certificate or elsewhere or if the address of the husband is used in the case of female candidates, then the candidate should mention the National Identity Card in favor of the changed permanent address. Along with submission of citizenship certificate signed by Mayor/Ward Commissioner/Municipal Mayor/Councillor/Union Parishad Chairman of the concerned City Corporation. Civil Surgeon office job is one among other government jobs nowadays. You can build your bright future by working in Civil Surgeon office. Office of Statistics Assistant publishes job circulars from time to time for recruitment of numerous manpower in various categories. Civil Surgeon office has again released new job circular on their official website.
Statistics Assistant Recruitment 2024 Circular We publish all the government and private jobs news in Bangladesh on our website and discuss all types of job news in detail. Through this post I have discussed in detail about the Civil Surgeon office recruitment circular. If you are interested to know detailed information about Civil Surgeon Office job notification then you can read the post carefully from start to end. All the information related to the vacancy mentioned in the Civil Surgeon Office job circular is mentioned below- Statistics Assistant Recruitment Circular 2024.
You can know some information for job preparation so that you can actually answer your Chittagong Civil Surgeon Office Recruitment Job Exam. That is when Chittagong Civil Surgeon Office was established and for what purpose it was formed. Who is responsible for managing Chittagong Civil Surgeon office and who is responsible for what. What are the main functions of Chittagong Civil Surgeon office? Where is the headquarters of Statistics Assistant located? What is its vision and mission? You need to find out about the names and positions of the responsible executives who hold what responsibilities.
Statistics Assistant Job Summary:
Organization: Statistics Assistant.
Posts Category: 01
Total Vacancies: 01
Job Type: Full time
Salary Scale: 9300 – 32240 Taka
Job Category: Government Jobs
Application Start Date: 01 December, 2024
Application Last Date: 26 December, 2024
Statistics Assistant Job Circular 2024 PDF Image
Application Start Date: 01 December, 2024
Application Last Date: 26 December, 2024
Statistics Assistant Job Circular 2024 Apply
Special instructions:
Interested candidates have to fill the form as per the instructions published online on the website The latest laws, rules and policies issued by the Government shall be followed in respect of recruitment and quota to the posts mentioned in the recruitment circular. In the case of selection of candidates for the said recruitment, the recruitment process will be completed through written and oral (practical where applicable) examination as per the category wise applicable schedule as per the Bangladesh Health Department Non-Medical Recruitment Rules 2018, Computer Personnel Recruitment Rules-and the rules issued by the Ministry of Public Administration.
Candidates of any district of Bangladesh can apply for the posts mentioned in Serial No.-1 and Candidates for serial No. to should be permanent residents of Sylhet district. For the post of Health Assistant, the candidate should be a permanent resident of the respective Old Ward. Residents of other wards of the same union can also apply for the post of Health Assistant. But the eligible candidate of the concerned old ward No other candidates will be considered if available.
List of vacant posts of Health Assistant (Ward, Union, Upazila wise) is available on the notice board of the office of the Civil Surgeon and the office of the Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer. will go The Authority reserves the right to reduce, increase the number of posts and add, modify and change any terms and conditions as necessary. 1.8 Candidates who have passed the written examination for the post of office assistant cum computer typist and data entry operator will have to take part in the practical test in the Standard Aptitude Test as per the recruitment rules.
Candidates who clear the practical test will be eligible to appear in the oral test Department of Health’s Memorandum No-Swah Adh/Prsha-2/3rd Grade Recruitment-4/2018/6354 Dated: 11/12/2018 AD and Civil Surgeon, Sylhet’s Memorandum No-CSS / Recruitment / 2018/15604 Dated: 13/12/2018 AD Based on the notification published in Daily Uttarpurba newspaper who previously applied online , they need not reapply (except for the posts of Entomology Technician and Lab Attendant). If any information given by the candidate is proved to be untrue or false or if necessary information is concealed or if any ineligibility is found.
Statistics Assistant Job Circular
or if any fraud or corruption is found or if any form is filled multiple times with false, different/incorrect information and if multiple admission forms are accepted or if the candidate is misbehaved in the examination or misbehaves in the examination center before or after the examination or even after the appointment, legal action will be taken against the candidate including cancellation of candidature or appointment at any stage. Any candidate married or engaged to marry a foreign national shall be considered ineligible to apply. Any person engaged in the work of the Republic shall be ineligible to apply if he has been convicted of a criminal offense or has been dismissed.
Government / Semi-Government / Autonomous / Semi Candidates (within the prescribed age limit) for posts in Autonomous Institutions must apply after obtaining approval from the appropriate authority, and all candidates must submit the original copy of No Objection Letter (NOC) issued by the appointing authority at the time of oral examination. If the candidate is the son-daughter/son-daughter of a freedom fighter/martyr freedom fighter, on the Ministry of Liberation War website And submit the proof of any one of the list last saved / displayed on the said website.
Statistics Assistant Job 2024
In this case, any kind of temporary certificate or Bangladesh Freedom Fighters 1.14 Orphans and Physically Handicapped candidates can be sent to the Deputy Director of the District Social Services Office under the Department of Social Services / equivalent / responsible officer or authorized Parliamentary Charter will not apply. Orphan/Physically Handicapped certificate signed by the competent authority should be submitted.Candidates belonging to Ansar and Village Defense (minimum 21 days training completed before AD) must submit the certificate issued by the District Ansar Adjutant.